Yes! The Pig Brig Trap System is easy enough for one person to set up in under an hour. That’s fast! And no, you don’t have to ask a friend, neighbor, or your kid to help (although, we always think it’s more fun with friends ... and maybe a few beers). As you’ve probably experienced, setting 10 T-posts takes a lot of time and energy (that’s where friends come in handy), so that’s the bulk of setup. A word of advice: your first setup is always the hardest, so plan for extra time, read the provided instructions, watch the setup videos (including unboxing, what you need in the field, and site selection), and call us or text us for any questions.
Pro tip: We suggest leaving T-posts, T-post mounts, and ground anchors in place for easy setup in the future. Pick up a second set kit, as it may not be worth the time and effort to remove the hardware, especially when you might have pigs re-establish in the future (yes, the Pig Brig System is multi-catch; watch the video). It takes less than 15 minutes to set up the trap once the T-posts, T-post mounts, and ground anchors are in place.