The Pig Brig Trap System should solve all the complaints we’ve heard about your other traps. It’s lightweight and portable, able to be carried on an ATV into the most remote of areas. Unlike other metal gate and fence traps, the Pig Brig Trap System can be set up by one person in about an hour. Really! There’s no metal (other than a few hog rings and quick links), so incoming pigs won’t get spooked and run off when one of them slams into a metal panel. And, there’s no concern for ricochet through the net.
Plus, unlike other traps, you don’t have to stay up all night with remote cameras, waiting and hoping to activate the trap door with your cell service. The Pig Brig Trap System requires no cell phone or remote activation; there’s no subscription or extra costs. Use it again and again as it’s truly multi-catch (watch the video) – pigs keep coming and they won’t get out until you come to get them. A Pig Brig Trap System can help you get every last pig – and let you rest easy.